
Nika Blecich

Master Degree in Neuroscience, University of Trieste, year 2015

Master Degree Thesis title: "The impact of Foxg1 expression levels on neocortical astroglial differentiation"

Marco Brancaccio

PhD in Neuroscience-Neurobiology, SISSA, year 2010.

PhD Thesis title: "Emx2 and Foxg1 inhibit gliogenesis and promote neuronogenesis"

Publications at SISSA

Michela Calabrese

Master Degree in Functional Genomics, University of Trieste, year 2019

Master Degree Thesis title: "Role of Emx2 and Foxg1 in the commitment of cortico - cerebral progenitors toward neuronal or glia fate"

Noemi Cannizzaro

Master Degree in Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Bologna, year 2018

Master Degree Thesis title: "Foxg1 antagonizes neocortical stem cell progression toward astrogenesis"

Publications at SISSA

Lucy Centrone

Master Degree in Neuroscience, University of Trieste, year 2017

Master Degree Thesis title: "Foxg1 promotes an increase in dendritic spine density in neocortical pyramidal neurons: a potential pathogenic mechanism of West Syndrome"

Publications at SISSA


Simone Chiola

PhD in Functional and Structural Genomics, SISSA, year 2018.

PhD Thesis title: "Foxg1 control of neuronal morphology"

Publications at SISSA

Paola Cognigni

Master Degree in Medical, Molecular and Cell Biotechnologies, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, year 2008

Master Degree Thesis title: "Molecular mechanisms in the patterning of mouse cortico-cerebral embryonal primordium"

Assunta Diodato

PhD in Functional and Structural Genomics, SISSA, year 2011

PhD Thesis title: "Promotion of cortico-cerebral precursors expansion by artificial miRNAs against the Emx2 locus"

Publications at SISSA

Minh Duc Do

PhD in Functional and Structural Genomics, SISSA, year 2015.

PhD Thesis title: "FoxG1 promotes neuritogenesis and the formation of dendritic spines – a potential mechanism for West syndrome"

Publications at SISSA

Carmen Falcone

Master Degree in Neuroscience, University of Trieste, year 2012

Master Degree Thesis title: "Emx2 inhibits cortico-cerebral astrogliogenesis by downregulating the EGF receptor mRNA"

PhD in Functional and Structural Genomics, SISSA, year 2016

PhD Thesis title: "Foxg1 and Emx2 control of cortico-cerebral astrogenesis and Emx2 as a novel tool to suppress glioblastoma multiforme"

Publications at SISSA


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